20 Min.
Complexity: Easy
Serves: 4

Cooking Instructions

  1. Prepare General Tso’s Chicken in the oven according to package directions.
  2. Assemble chicken in warm tortillas with guacamole, lettuce, cucumber, mango and green onions. Serve with lime.

Tip: Substitute guacamole with fresh avocado and fresh or pickled jalapeño pepper slices if desired.


Box of InnovAsian General Tso's Chicken
18 oz
Corn Tortillas (5 inches)
8 small
1 cup
Shredded Lettuce
2 cup
Diced Cucumber
1 cup
Diced Mango
1 cup
Green Onions, thinly sliced
2 medium
Lime wedges, for serving
1 large
Diced Mango
1 cup
Cutting Board